Our Commitment
GCH Aviation Group is committed to working with the Department of Conservation (DOC) on our concessions operating responsibly over the DOC estate and marine areas to ensure that future generations are able to enjoy our unspoilt remote areas. We follow the principles of Tiaki, Kaitiakitanga and Manaakitanga, caring for New Zealand and its people now, and for future generations.

Caring for land, sea and nature, treading lightly and leaving no trace. Travelling safely, showing care and consideration for all. Respecting culture and travelling with an open heart and mind.

Inspires the way that travellers are made to feel welcome when visiting New Zealand, by providing unique cultural experiences through our hospitality.
In 2018, GCH Aviation signed up to the New Zealand Sustainability Commitment. We have a dedicated team that are constantly reviewing and implementing practices that consider the 8 industry-level sustainability Goals and 14 Commitments within the agreement.

Guardianship and protection. A way of caring for and managing the environment.
Caring for new zealand
GCH Aviation Group is a progressive family-owned business that values its people and puts the safety of our passengers and crew above all else, whilst continuing to provide excellent service to our clients since 1983. We care for our people, the environment, and the communities in which we operate by following the principles of Manaakitanga and Kaitiakitanga.
New Zealand is precious, and everyone who lives and travels here has a responsibility to look after it. The Tiaki Promise is a commitment to care for New Zealand, for now and for future generations. By following the Tiaki Promise, we are making a commitment to New Zealand. To act as a guardian, protecting and preserving our home. Nau Mai, Haere Mai Ki Aotearoa, Welcome to New Zealand.
We ask all visitors using our facilities to honor this agreement by practicing the Tiaki Promise.